Sunday, July 05, 2009

The Giggling Guru says:


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A couple of comments already made have wondered whether there's a special phone number where you can listen to a heavy breathing voice read it aloud and why did it take creative intelligence 40 years to come up with this? Obviously creativity itself isn't dead.

I wonder about that as well. And once again, please note: in celebration of a Hindu religious festival and complete with photos of Hindu religious figures. AND SCIENTIFIC CHARTS, this really proves, to me, that ... oh, well, never mind; it's what it demonstrated to you that's important.

And, there are 18 chapters in the Gita. Word is that Mahesh commented on all of them. So, once again, why'd it take 40 years to just get one more chapter published. I enjoyed reading the Gita, many years before I knew there was such a thing as TM. It's so easy to get good translations and good commentaries on the Gita that I wonder why MUM Press (Press Here, as Jerry used to say) has bothered. I suppose the faithful will flock. And, ohhh, look at all the pretty colours, ohhh.

What happened to YES, WE ARE NO RELIGION. Probably lost somewhere in the cutting room when all the gold edges were being added to distract attention from what's going on.

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