Wednesday, November 04, 2009

TM's "Physicians for Transcendental Meditation"

It has been brought to our attention that (at least) one Physician listed on the TM website Physicians for Transcendental Meditation never gave permission to be included on the TM site.

Dr. Bjarne Hansen's previous position, as associate professor of Rheumatology, Chief Physician at the Clinic of Internal Medicine at the Blekinge Hospital, Karlskrona, Sweden, is referenced on the TM site.

Bjarne is a frequent commentator on TMFree blog.

Dr. Bjarne Hansen is a former practitioner of Transcendental Meditation. He is no longer affiliated with the Transcendental Mediation Organization. He maintains a personal and professional interest in various forms of meditation, including medical applications of meditation. He has expressed serious concerns about the cultic aspects of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental Meditation Movement.

Bjarne Hansen has made multiple requests to have his deemed endorsement removed from this TM site, to no avail. It was an accident that Bjarne learned he was listed by TM Organization, as if he promoted Transcendental Meditation's programs.

Bjarne's request to have his endorsement removed resulted in numerous responses and referrals to other TMO webmasters around the globe. As Bjarne sent appropriate emails to each global TM webmaster, in turn, each denied responsibility for the site of concern and referred Bjarne to yet another person that Bjarne must contact.

None of the contacted webmasters, in USA, Europe nor Scandinavia, is assuming responsibility to assure that Dr. Hansen is removed from his falsified endorsement for Transcendental Meditation. He is beginning to wonder if an attorney will be needed to resolve this.
(Gina's note - don't we remember the confusing miscommunication between various arms of the TMO?)

Bjarne requested that we post this story publicly, as an example to question TM's deemed endorsements and to reveal the lack of coordination between the TMO's online publicity.

Per one of Bjarne's many requests, to a TMO webmaster, requesting his name removal
(Bjarne's words herein published with his permission):

"At my request my name and titles were removed from the Swedish site several years ago. Nontheless my name and titles are still on the international site "Swedish reference group - physicians for TM". I never gave my permission to be included on this site, updated on May 2009. Please remove my name and titles immediately.
Yours Sincerely
Bjarne Hansen
MD PhD "

One can only wonder if other deemed endorsers are listed without their knowledge or out of context.

Watch the comments to this post for Bjarne's updates.

So far, it's been a circus of TM Organization emails, reminiscent of Abbot and Costello's skit "Who's On First?"

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