Thursday, April 12, 2007

Inspiration from the Emailbag

In yesterday's email (posted with permission):

Hi John,
I am new to the TM Free Blog, but not new to TM and the problems with the movement. I think your Blog provides some much needed balance to the aggressive marketing that MMY conducts, and wanted to say thanks for that. 
I attended MIU from 1978 to 1980, and there were some good things about it back then, like Jerry Jarvis conducting a Gita study group every evening. But the Nazi mentality was firmly in place even then. Everyone was afraid to break a rule and get kicked off campus, so compliance was the key for survival. I still visit Fairfield once in a while (my in-laws live about 30 minutes away). Have you seen Vedic City? What a depressing dump. Built in a corn field with small houses on muddy roads, it looked really depressing.
Anyway I guess the reason for my writing to you is to thank you for the balance you provide to those that find your site. There seems to be a new wave of money coming in to TM from some big names like David Lynch, and I hope it is not the Beatles publicity thing all over again. I just want to see the TM organization slowly fade away without getting any more young minds perverted into thinking that TM is the only path for spiritual growth. There really is no path, but it is hard to take the pathless path. The mind really wants a formula, but what the mind wants is usually not the way to go:)
I guess my biggest concern with TM, besides the fact that they have plans for global domination to their cause, is that many young seekers will get sucked in then realize it is all a scam and will think that any spiritual endeavor is in the same category as the TM hoax. I do think world consciousness is on the rise, but it is not due to the Narcissists at MUM. And yes, I used to be one of them. Now there is an idea for a research paper.....does the TM doctrine attract narcissists?
Sorry for rambling John. I really appreciate your time and energy with your blog. If there is anything I can do to help you with your mission of getting a balance of information out to the world, let me know.
Thanks again,
Brian Murray

Just keep commenting and sharing your experiences, Brian. That's all the help we need!

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