Showing posts with label International Cultic Studies Association. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Cultic Studies Association. Show all posts

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Online Forum for Cultic Studies Researchers/Students

Any researchers or students of cultic studies in the TM-Free Blog readership?  If so, you may be interested in this.  I received an email from the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) on July 22, 2015, stating in part:

During recent annual conferences, ICSA has held a special pre-conference workshop for researchers and students interested in conducting scientific research in cultic studies.  At the 2015 workshop in Sweden, researchers decided to set up an online forum through which they could share notes, plan, and give or receive advice or assistance.  This forum will be open only to academic and clinical researchers and students involved in planning and/or conducting cultic studies research.
 The forum is especially interested in helping students and young researchers.
If you are a researcher/student, please complete a short online survey, which should only take a few minutes of your time.  Even if you are not interested in participating in the forum, please complete the survey.  The information you provide will help the ICSA Research Committee plan for the future.

Go here:

I hope some of our readers will find this forum helpful!

Thursday, June 04, 2015

June 2015 ICSA Conference Stockholm

It's that time again - link to : ICSA Annual Conference

The conference is an amalgam of recovery workshops, speakers, research presentations, professional education and connecting with new and old friends.

From the conference website :

ICSA’s 2015 Annual International Conference will be conducted jointly with Info-Secte/Info-Cult of Montreal and Hjälpkällan (Help Source - a support organization for people leaving closed religious movements) in Stockholm, Sweden June 25-27, 2015 (preconference workshops on Wednesday June 24th). 

This year’s theme is Children in High-Control Groups. There will be a series of sessions on the conference theme as well presentations relevant to the needs of mental health professionals, former members, researchers, families, and others.

The conference will take place at the Ariadne Scandic Hotel in Stockholm.  

For more information, the conference program, or to register, Click on the link :

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Conference for Former Members of Groups

Announcement from the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA), a respected organization dealing with high-demand groups:

"ICSA will conduct a conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico November 6-8, 2015.  This conference will focus on the needs of former group members and families and will include a training track for mental health professionals.  Conference sessions will emphasize discussion so participants can address issues pertinent to their individual concerns.

The conference will take place at La Fonda on the Plaza, one of Santa Fe's finest hotels, located in the heart of the old city.

Santa Fe has been chosen in order to give ICSA's western supporters an opportunity to attend a conference closer to home.  It is also a lovely setting for those who come from other parts of the USA, Canada, and the world.

Speakers include some of the cultic studies field's most experienced mental health professionals, as well as former members and family members who will share their experiences.

Attend this conference if you are interested in how psychologically manipulative and demanding groups can hurt people and what can be done to help those who are harmed.  The agenda will address the needs of those seeking help and those who want to help others.  Among the topics to be explored are

·         What helps people leave cultic groups and relationships?
·         Dealing with cult-related trauma
·         Traumatizing narcissism and the psychology of cult leaders
·         Coping with triggers
·         Building relationships and communicating with the cult involved
·         After the cult: who am I
·         Support groups
·         Cults and the suppression of free speech
·         Exit counseling and conflict resolution
·         Spiritual issues in recovery
·         Cults and children
·         Case discussions for mental health professionals
·         Cultic dynamics in sex trafficking

Because Santa Fe is a “daytime” city, we have scheduled 2-hour lunch breaks so that attendees can enjoy walking around old Santa Fe, where there are numerous art galleries, museums, and quaint shops, as well as stunning Southwest architecture.  The hotel will permit the special conference rate 3 days pre- and postconference for those who wish to spend time touring Santa Fe and its environs.  Call La Fonda’s Reservations Department at 1-800-523-5002.

Please tell others about this conference.  We hope you join us!"

Online Information:

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Conference on cults July 2-5

 If you enjoy attending conferences, you may be interested in knowing that the 
International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) will conduct its 2014 Annual International Conference jointly with Info-Cult/Info-Secte at the Sheraton Silver Spring (Maryland), a short subway ride from downtown Washington, DC. 

The theme of this year's conference is "Government, Human Rights, and the Cult Phenomenon." However, talks are by no means limited to this theme.

The program will be varied with numerous sessions pertinent to former members of cultic or other high-demand groups, families, helping professionals, researchers, and others. A track within the program will include sessions addressing aspects of the conference theme of government, human rights, and the cult phenomenon. 

Recent conferences have had about 100 speakers, so there will be much to choose from.

The conference takes place from July 3-5, 2014.  On Wednesday, July 2nd, there will be pre-conference workshops for mental health professionals, researchers, families, former members of high-demand groups, and people interested in educational outreach. 

I attended an ICSA conference many years ago, and greatly enjoyed meeting other former TMers and attending the talks.