Showing posts with label Global Country. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Global Country. Show all posts

Monday, March 17, 2014

Pandit Protest or Freedom Cry

ABC’s KTVO TV in Iowa March 11, 2014 reported on a “Pandit Riot” that took place at the gate to Vedic City’s pandit compound after TM officials arrived with sheriff support at 0600. They planned to remove one of the compound’s leaders for unspecified disciplinary action and possible return to India :

According to the televised report, dozens of the Indian men who receive $50 monthly stipend (with $150 presumably sent to families in India) surrounded the sheriff’s vehicle, threw rocks and broke a squad car light. The sheriff called for other law reinforcements from Wapello County for support.

The Global Country of World Peace or Vedic City authorities must have suspected some unrest to justify requesting sheriff support to escort this pandit leader away. 

The pandits protested their leader’s departure. Law enforcement officials could not understand words that were shouted in Hindi. News reports do not mention any attempt by law enforcement to understand the pandits.

News reports do not address (lack of) a Hindi interpreter. There is no mention if the shouting men were later provided an objective interpreter or offered impartial legal representation.

Credit goes to the sheriff who avoided escalating an altercation by successfully backing his vehicle away through the unarmed crowd. The sheriff’s office did not press charges since no one knows who assaulted the vehicle. Vedic City agreed to cover costs for the sheriff’s auto repairs.

The sheriff expressed incredulity that these men “held no respect for the law” when they mobbed his vehicle.  

The pandits were escorted back inside their square mile of fenced compound.

TMFree previously posted concerns about the pandits’ captivity in a previous three part series that can be read by clicking here.

The recent “riot" might be a desperate attempt by these caged men to communicate to the outside world. 

One woman interviewed for the televised report stated that these pandits WANT to stay impounded together, rather than return to their family squalor in India. However, if the pandits want to stay impounded, why did 163 of them escape within the last year? Their absence was not reported by the sponsoring TM organization that holds their passports. 

AlJazeera's review of January 27, 2104 “Indian Vedic students go ‘missing’ in the US”  
can be read by clicking here.

Vedi City's pandit situation resembles this animated United Nations’ video about modern human slavery :

These young pandits receive slave wages of room and board plus $50 / month. $150 per pandit is supposedly sent to their families in India. They may spend their $50 at small store in their compound. They rarely leave the compound. Their “job” is to inspire donations from TM True Believers for mystical chants that TM leaders promise will assure good weather, economic prosperity and world peace. For video clips, click here.

If these men want greater rights, they could be desperate enough to vie for attention from law enforcement.

Raja John Hagelin, Maharishi's Raja of North America (aka Dr. John Hagelin in the films “What the Bleep Do We Know” and “The Secret”) Bill Goldstein, spokesman of The Global Country of World Peace, and John Revolinski, an administrator for the pandit campus, said the majority of these pandits began living in TM’s pandit compounds as children. This sounds suspiciously like child trafficking.  See “Students inquire about pandits during forum” by clicking here.

Revolinski referred to the pandits’ group dynamics. He did not discuss the group dynamics of the larger community which colluded to keep these men inside a fenced compound.

Some reports state the pandits have R-1 Visas. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Web Site defines R-1 visas here.  A key excerpt below :

“An R-1 is a foreign national who is coming to the United States temporarily to be employed at least part time (average of at least 20 hours per week) by a non-profit religious organization in the United States (or an organization which is affiliated with the religious denomination in the United States) to work as a minister or in a religious vocation or occupation.   …
To qualify, the foreign national must have been a member of a religious denomination having a bona fide non-profit religious organization in the United States for at least 2 years immediately before the filing of the petition."

Forgive our confusion. For decades the TM Movement stated they are a non-religious organization. The TM Movement used this non-religious argument to infiltrate public schools and the American Veteran’s administration through the David Lynch Foundation.

Yet, the pandits received visas to work for an “organization which is affiliated with the religious denomination in the United States”. 

Vedic City issued a TM-speak statement on March 11, 2014 which can be read here, and stated that :

“A very harmonious meeting was held with the entire Pandit group immediately after the incident to discuss what transpired. An internal review of the situation is being conducted with an aim to avoid any such repeat incidents in the future. “  

No investigator had contact with the pandits. Will an outsider speak directly to these men?

How can law enforcement assist the containment of voiceless innocents inside an isolated compound?

Some reports said these men were promised an education and job training. Does chanting for a net of $50 monthly equal a career?

Pandits are human beings whose concerns should be heard. These are not the mute Orca whales whose captivity in San Diego SeaWorld garners press attention through animal activists.

An objective legal investigation into this should be initiated by people outside of Jefferson County, Iowa. Authorities of southeast Iowa already demonstrated both lack of objectivity and collusion with Vedic City through seven years of silence about these men confined to one square mile in a cornfield.

The pandits may have learned that drama attracts attention after fire fighters responded to a small fire in a pandit mobile home on November 8 2013, as reported here.
Another fire on March 3, 2014 was reported here.

If these men are desperately calling for help, they might be succeeding.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Selling Sizzle (not Steak) : Transcendental Meditation, David Lynch and Pandits

This “Africa for Norway” video exemplifies how TM’s fundraising sells feel-good sizzle, without evaluating the steak :

Yes, the video spoofs the successful business model of fundraising charities that do not provide substance. 
(To read more about this creative team highlighting racism and charity abuse, click here.)

The David Lynch Foundation is sponsoring (yet another) feel-good benefit gala to bring Transcendental Meditation to veterans with PTSD and at-risk youth.

The merit of the steak behind the DLF’s sizzle, Transcendental Meditation, has not been  properly evaluated, and in this case may even be dangerous for the trauma victims they claim to helpTM is a dissociative meditation.  TM's numbing dissociative meditation may cause further long-term harm to the  targeted PTSD survivors and at-risk youth that David Lynch's Foundation claims to help.

The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation studies the very real phenomenon of dissociation related to trauma and PTSD. More can be found about dissociation and trauma in other psychology and public health journals. The Transcendental Meditation Organization breaches ethics by teaching trance-induction dissociative practices to this vulnerable population.

Oxford University research scientist Kathleen Taylor, author of 2004 Brainwashing; The Science of Thought Control, writes that soldiers with PTSD are especially vulnerable to suggestion. Experts on brainwashing, the late Margaret Singer and still-living Robert Jay Lifton conducted their first brainwashing research on military PTSD survivors, Korean War POWs. 

Maharishi's promised “transcendental bliss” actually triggers dissociation in many practitioners. Anyone who has been around the TM Movement knows the “bliss ninnies” or “space cadets”, as we once called the walking zombie-like members of our beloved "TM Family" cult. 

TMFree's Sudarsha wrote in a private email : “If politicians advocate something, no one believes them. If your parents advocated something, you couldn't get far enough away. If the minster/priest/rabbi/imam advocates something, everyone is suspicious ... but if a celebrity advocates something, everyone immediately believes it's real, good, desirable, necessary, right and certainly something one needs to get as quickly as possible.

Not sure why this is so, but, at least for those who might be seen as prone to addiction (very broadly, of course), this seems to be the case, so a fund-raiser by celebrities ... well, that's a no-brainer! Surely celebrities can and must be trusted!”  Thanks, Sud'!

Meanwhile, another insider sizzle email provides updates on Vedic City's growing pandit compound. From Maharishi's invented Global Country of World Peace, we offer excerpts :

To our dear Movement family,

The Vedic Pandits are finally coming—not just the original 556 but a total of 600!
We know you’ve been waiting for some time to receive this update. So we are delighted to finally have some concrete news to give you.
With the addition of this group of Pandits, we will achieve a stable Super Radiance group of 2,000 Yogic Flyers to create Invincibility for America, a goal we have all worked towards for 30 years.

Of course, they require more money to keep the sizzle popping :

What more is needed?
We still need $1,000 per Pandit or an additional $600,000 total for airfare and other associated costs to bring all of the Pandits here. More than ever, your contributions are crucial. Please donate now!
Donation details
Donations can be made online at or by check payable to Global Country of World Peace, 1900 Capital Blvd, Maharishi Vedic City, IA 52556.
We would be happy to speak with you about this in more detail. Please contact us directly or through Eloise Raymond at or 641-470-7027.

The "Movement Family" fundraising letter closes with TM's Raja Royalty :

Warmest wishes,
Jai Guru Dev,
Raja John Hagelin
Raja Harris
Raja Wynne
Raja Bob LoPinto
Ramani Ayer

We at TMFree encourage everyone to learn about the steak behind any tantalizing sizzle. Don’t just donate or buy based upon feel-good advertising. Don’t fall for celebrity - studded good intentions.

Evaluate the merit of any campaign, the TM-DLF organization, politics, the sleek new car, or the fabulous online dating profile. Sizzle usually lacks ethics. Do your homework and don’t be duped!

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Thankful for independent thought, lifelong learning, the loss of naiveté and so much more.

Jai to Freedom, to free thought and honest discourse,

The TM-Free Blog Moderators

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Copyrighted letter announces hidden family of Transcendental Meditation's King Nader

Some of our readers have questioned the veracity of the news of Maharaja Nader Raam's hidden family, newly revealed.

The official letter was forwarded to us, with the appropriate golden letterhead from Raja (Dr.) John Hagelin's office.
The email letter was dated January 19, 2010, titled in bold face blue :
"Summary Global Council Meeting January 17, 2010."

However, the letter is copyrighted with the following paragraph in the letter's footer margin :

©Copyright 2010, Maharishi Vedic Education Development Corporation. Distribution, redistribution, publication or reproduction of this communication in any form is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient please advise us so that we can remove you from the distribution list. If you have received this communication in error we apologize, please dispose of it and kindly advise us at

TM Organization attorneys have contacted us, at TMFree, in the past about posted insider emails.
All the TM insider emails with copyright notices have since been removed from this site.

Thus we are reluctant to repost the copyrighted message written from Bevan with the TM's golden letterhead logo of
"Global Country of World Peace, Dr. John Hagelin, Raja of Invincible America"

The contents of the letter from Bevan are essentially what has already been posted on this site. Revealing such information is critically important to demonstrating that the TM Organization has an agenda beyond bringing stress coping methods to school children through the David Lynch Foundation.

Interesting how the TM Organization uses copyright as a tool to try to keep things secret.

The news is not protected by copyright, but Bevan's and Hagelin's words are. The issue always is whether the use is fair use.
Quoting a section of copyrighted material for use in discussion is generally considered to be fair use. Please feel free to comment and discourse further on this material, which is quoted within accepted fair use laws.

The middle section of Bevan's letter from Hagelin's office is excerpted below. Of course the opening and closing of the letter, not quoted, are equally glorious :


"The nervous system of the Global Country of World Peace is the Global Council, Global Mother Divine Organization, our Indian leadership and their care of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits and Vedic experts, Purusha and Mother Divine, and all the leaders and teachers of the Transcendental Meditation program and Yogic Flyers everywhere. In addition he explained specific bodies that had been set up to secure the proper use of funds for the expansion of our activities, and the preparation of courses of Total Knowledge form Maharishi which embody his wishes.

Majaraja also quietly shared that he had been married for seven years with a young family (two young daughters ages 5-1/2 and 3-1/2), with whom he has been residing under Maharishi's loving guidance. At the same time, he strongly emphasized that everyone who had the direction of being Purusha and Mother Divine amongst our world family should grasp this chance with no delay, as this is such a great ideal of life that Maharishi had set in the world.

The response from all sides in the Global Council was very warm and loving in response to this news. Everyone appreciates so much the wonderful leadership role Maharaja-ji has been performing in the past two years since Maharishi has been no more there to answer our every question, and he is much beloved by all for his incredible scientific grasp of Maharishi’s knowledge, and his tender heart. The atmosphere in the meeting was very blissful and unified, and in that good feeling everyone was inspired to move ahead even more rapidly in 2010 to fulfill all our duties to the knowledge and to our world family, as Maharishi charged us to do.

The Purusha Rajas commented that Maharishi always upheld Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam on the level of the Purushottoma itself--—the supreme Purusha, the eternal silence in which Prakriti (infinite dynamism) is perpetually flowing--—in the line of Sri Raam--—Raja Raam of Ayodhya--—for whom Maharishi named our Maharaja.

Many may have heard some of this news, so we thought to let you know what had unfolded."

[Gina's comments -- a few more sentences refer to the King's infinite silence blessing all nations, construction of national towers of invincibility, and the importance of Yogic Flyers. The letter then closes]

"With best wishes,

Jai Guru Dev


Monday, December 28, 2009

Transcendental Meditation Fire Sale: More Prime Real Estate

This BusinessWeek article has the info on how TM slashed 33% off the asking price of their showcase Wall Street address for Global Country of World Peace.

While the group “could absolutely not be happier” with the building, a sale would benefit the non-profit’s charitable mission, Hagelin said in September. “Financial resources at that level would be a huge boost to us in fulfilling our various goals,” he said.

TMFB editor Mike Doughney recently speculated on a possible world-wide contraction of the Transcendental Meditation movement, as suggested by sales of a number of real estate holdings recently. He suggested this may be for the purposes of consolidating the movement in India.

Looking more likely every day....


Thursday, December 10, 2009

TM's "Global Country" selling one third of its Fairfield land holdings

The mayor of Maharishi Vedic City, Bob Wynne, announced yesterday that the Global Country of World Peace, the organization that teaches Transcendental Meditation that we around here often call the TMO for short, will be auctioning off fully one-third of its land holdings in the Fairfield, Iowa area starting in five days.

This last-minute announcement is a bit odd since obviously this auction has been in the works for a while, and the open house at the building to be auctioned happened over two weeks ago. Here's a part of "Raja" Wynne's e-mail:

Dear Supporters of Invincible America,

It is a great joy to announce that on Tuesday, December 15th beginning at 10:00 a.m. CST, Global Country of World Peace will make available for sale at auction one of the most beautiful buildings in our Invincible America community and a number of parcels of organic farmland totaling 600 acres. This auction will continue Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning. Please see the announcement for details of when each parcel will be sold.

Since Global Country of World Peace owns quite a lot of land in the community we want to make about 1/3 of it available for those who wish to take advantage of prime organic real estate along Route 1 and inside Maharishi Vedic City for development, organic agriculture or residential or commercial uses. We feel this will help stimulate faster growth in the community and make property available contiguous to Maharishi University of Management, between MUM and Maharishi Vedic City, and within Maharishi Vedic City.

In addition, proceeds of the sale of these properties will be used to support Global Country of World Peace Movement activities in the community and around the country.

Here's what the brochure announcing the auction, from the local auction service handling it, looks like. Click the image to see the whole thing. It's a real study in the clash of cultures often seen in the Fairfield area - an auction announcement, just like that you'd see for an auction of farm equipment, but with a photo captioned "Sthapatva [sic] Veda designed brick building."

I'm sure there will be plenty of speculation as to what this relatively huge auctioning of the TM organization's assets in the Fairfield area means for the future of the TM movement. It seems to me that this e-mail announcement, sent way too late to attract serious bidders, serves only to insure that most in the meditating community would learn of the sale from the TMO, and not by other means. For the mayor to say "It's a great joy" to announce such an auction is more than a bit peculiar, since this sale clearly indicates that the TMO's plans for Fairfield probably don't involve expansion, but more likely, serious contraction.

This announcement coincidentally comes on the heels of an earlier e-mail that, after a bit of study, might also indicate that the TMO is setting the stage for a worldwide contraction except for its operations in one country: India. I'd written recently about how the "Maharishi's Global Plan" e-mail sent one month ago, explained in detail here by John Knapp, is a clear indicator that the organization that teaches Transcendental Meditation does, in fact, see as one of its goals the creation of a social and political order in every country indistinguishable from that of a Vedic theocracy.

In a sense none of this is new; the TM organization's willingness to get involved in politics along with promoting TM as the solution for everything at every level of society, and the source of its cosmology, pretty much dictates a Vedic theocratic outcome, the recent difference being the leadership, in such e-mails, has been being a bit more explicit about it lately. But there's something else in that e-mail, the significant part I'll repeat here:

The spiritual counterpart for your country lies in India. Each country is connected to one of the twelve jyotir lingas in India, the seat of Shiva, the eternal silence at the basis of creation. Reviving the age-old knowledge about the spiritual connection of every country with the Jyotirlingas in India and the creation of 48 Brahmananda Saraswati Nagars is Maharishi's greatest gift for humanity.

If you look at that global plan, both at the linked website and elsewhere - in particular, at the "Vedic Pandits" website - what you'll see described is a 680 million dollar construction project to build what are called "Brahmanand Saraswati Nagars," or in English more understandable to the casual meditator, "Guru Dev Towns." Their plan proposes 48 of these towns across India, associated in groups of four with the 12 Jyotir Lingas, historically significant places of worship of Shiva. As described, they're talking about a construction cost of over $12 million for each of these towns, and in the mythology the TMO is spinning about these projects, each of those towns is somehow "associated" with four countries.

So now that these associations are being set up through these statements - which, like a lot of what Mahesh came up with during his lifetime, are contemporary fantasies specific to this particular evangelical Vedic sect, and as far as I know do not reflect the beliefs of any other strain of the religious traditions of India - what do they really mean by all this? Clearly all the action is back in India where the seats of Shiva are, and where all the mass facility construction is planned.

If all the other countries of the world are magically "connected" with sites the TMO is building in India, then why does the TMO need any facility in any other country, save as a means of generating revenue to send back to India to help finance these construction projects and ongoing operations there? While the intent to "transform every country into a Vedic country" implies that they'd need a presence in every country to accomplish that - what if the leaders, and their make-it-up-on-the-fly-as-needed theology, indicate that a physical presence anywhere else on Earth isn't necessary? Is the significance of the rest of the world, from the ultimate Vedic supremacist viewpoint of the TMO, merely that other countries serve as exploitable sources of resources to fuel its own myth-based version of a Vedic revival in its homeland?

There are certainly obvious indications that exactly this process is well underway. How many, or shall I say, how few substantial local facilities teaching the TM program exist in the United States today? Meanwhile in India, the chain of Vedic based schools incorporating the TM program in India run by Mahesh's nephew, Girish Varma, says it's in 118 cities and is the "largest chain of privately operated public schools in India." Clearly these schools were at least in part financed with funds sourced in the West, as can be explicitly seen in the tax returns filed by the U.S. based Maharishi Global Development Fund showing a transfer of $44 million in 1999 earmarked "for the construction of schools in India."

My point is that unexpected and eventually drastic changes may be on the horizon for the TMO. All of the activity we see in the West today, with slightly off-kilter Westerners like David Lynch still trying to popularize a expatriate Vedic spiritual movement long past its prime, may simply be irrelevant. The real power and influence lies back in India, and as global economic conditions change, the usefulness to the TMO of any significant physical presence elsewhere in the world may eventually decline. In that context, this land sale and a subtle yet clear message that all of its operations are somehow "connected" to a bunch of "Guru Dev Towns" in India may be more significant than what appears at first glance.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Transcendental Meditation Goal: Religious Gov't for Every Nation

I thought about making this another installment in "Yes, We Are No Religion." But given the wave of religious fundamentalism sweeping the world — leading to hatred, death, and war — I thought it important to pass on this disturbing message minus the snark.

Von: Global Country Switzerland
An: 14 Maharishi Jyotish and Yagya Programmes
Gesendet: Sonntag, den 8. November 2009, 22:57:36 Uhr
Betreff: FW: participate in Maharishi's Global Plan

Dear Friends,

The spiritual counterpart for your country lies in India. Each country is connected to one of the twelve jyotir lingas in India, the seat of Shiva, the eternal silence at the basis of creation. Reviving the age-old knowledge about the spiritual connection of every country with the Jyotirlingas in India and the creation of 48 Brahmananda Saraswati Nagars is Maharishi¹s greatest gift for humanity. The following website gives you more information about Maharishi's global plan to transform every country into a Vedic country:

http://www.mgcwp. org/jyotir_ ling/POWERPOINT/ JYOTIRLING. htm

You are cordially invited in Maharishi¹s global plan to create a Vedic society everywhere and enjoy Maharishi¹s blessings and the support of all the Laws of Nature. If you have any questions or you want to participate in this grand undertaking please contact us via GlobalCountrySwitze rland@maharishi. net.

Bowing before Maharishi and the Holy Tradition of Vedic Masters we send you our best wishes for life in fulfilment.

Jai Guru Dev

[Emphasis added.]

Since the late 60s, the Transcendental Meditation movement has claimed not be a religion or religious — despite conclusive evidence to the contrary. Based on that claim, they promoted TM as a secular practice to the public, which in turn has led to TM being adopted in public schools, the justice system, the military, research publications — even receiving government funds. For reasons best known to TM leaders, they base their claims to be nonreligious on a distinction between Vedism and Hinduism — a distinction without a difference, similar to distinguishing between Early Christianity and Modern Christianity. Both are religions, one based on the other.

My suspicion is TM simply hopes to confuse people who don't understand what the Vedas are.

Just as the ultimate goal of some Christian Fundamentalists is to make the U.S. — and ultimately all nations — horribly repressive "Christian" theocracies, the TM Movement's goal is to bring Hindu/Vedic rule to the entire world. Replete with Horse Sacrifices, Shiva worship, a return to monarchy, and a tyrannical morality that punishes the exercise of freedoms the developed world is based on: religion, sexuality, democracy, so many others.

I suspect this was the Maharishi's goal for a very long time, perhaps from the beginning.

When you hear of Transcendental Meditation being taught to public school children, invading the justice/prison system, publishing questionable research, and receiving taxpayer funds from your government, I hope you will think of this internal memo from one of TM's "Global Countries."

I hope this message will be shared with every person with an interest in the separation between Church and State, with school-age children — and, especially, anyone working to stem the tide of fundamentalist-fueled hatred, violence, and tyranny. It's my especial hope it will be shared with the ACLU, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, religious leaders, and the press.

If you have any such contacts, would you pass on this post?

Please note that, although there is no copyright accompanying this email, in the US any creative work is assumed to be copyrighted by its author(s) and is subject to legal protection.

I present the entire text of this email in the belief it conforms to the Fair-Use Exception granted to news, critical, educational, and satirical works.

It's just too important to publicize this message — and tear the mask off Transcendental Meditation's claims to be not religious.


Cross-posted on Facebook

Friday, April 03, 2009

John Hagelin in high-weirdness mode

If you attended or were watching today's news conference, with Bob Roth, John Hagelin, David Lynch, a bunch of other movement dead-enders, and a bunch of people who should know better, and came away from it thinking, gee, these guys are kind of weird... yeah, they're more than kinda weird.

The TM movement that Lynch was promoting today actually calls itself the "Global Government of World Peace."

And when the people who run this toy government get together, they call each other "Raja" and dress like this:

This is Raja John Hagelin, from a photo taken at Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's funeral, available here.

And if you're thinking, gee, that looks like a Burger King crown on his head... we certainly agree.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Thirty Years Later - the next generation's satire

A generational cohort of "kids" raised in TM and Fairfield are now in their thirties and younger.
They continue to support one another with friendships forged through shared confusion.

An insightful myspace site unites them after leaving childhood "utopia" to enter the "world of ignorance."

Myspace profile for "Children of the Golden Spaceships"

Read comments, view videos of Lynch w/ Raja while listening to Mother Divine voices - for shared memories, frustration, and looney loved ones still captured in group-think.

Be sure to scroll down their site for enlightening videos and comments!

Some "kids"continue familial devotion to Maharishi, blaming Movement dysfunction upon TM's administrative space-cadettes.

Others are angry about MVED's slick scam which governed their lives.

By and large, their lifelong friendships support one another across the belief spectrum.

While I am not of this cohort (I preceded them & babysat during their preschool years), all can appreciate enlightened satire!

Enjoy! Enlightenment at its finest!

Myspace profile for "Children of the Golden Spaceships"

AND.. more tongue-in-cheek! Myspace profile for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - while Donovan sings "Hurdy Gurdy Man" and links to our long-lost "family"!

g :)

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Lynch to launch new universities in Europe

From a press release. Read on at your own risk.
Filmmaker David Lynch to launch new universities in
Finland, Estonia, and Bulgaria to create national invincibility

Flag-raising ceremonies to be held 5-9 November for
Invincible Finland University, Invincible Estonia University,
and Invincible Bulgaria University

‘‘These unique universities will offer enlightenment to every student
and invincibility to the nation.’’-- David Lynch

Helsinki, 5 November 2007: -
This week, iconic filmmaker Dr David Lynch will launch new national universities in Finland, Estonia, and Bulgaria, which will provide Total Knowledge – full enlightenment – to every student and invincibility to national consciousness.

Dr Lynch will be joined by world-renowned quantum physicist, Dr John Hagelin, President of Maharishi Central University, USA, and Director of the Global Union of Scientists for Peace; and by foremost educator, Dr Bevan Morris, President of Maharishi University of Management, Iowa, USA.

Dr Lynch, Dr Hagelin, and Dr Morris will launch Invincible Finland University, Invincible Estonia University, and Invincible Bulgaria University with flag-raising ceremonies, press conferences, and public lectures. They will be accompanied by leading local scientists, educators, and business leaders.

The three-nation Invincible University launch follows similar inaugurations in the past month in Italy, Israel, Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Belgium, France, and Denmark. Classes are scheduled to being in all of the new universities on 12 January 2008.

‘‘There is very strong support in every country to establish these new universities where the students will gain enlightenment and radiate peace in the world on a permanent basis,’’ Dr Lynch said.

According to Dr Hagelin, the programme of study at the new universities will include the traditional academic disciplines, with a few minutes added to each class to identify the source of the discipline in the Unified Field, as discovered in the most advanced findings of modern science. Students will utilise proven technologies of consciousness to gain direct subjective experience of the Unified Field.

‘‘Extensive scientific research shows that this experience of the Unified Field leads to the development of total brain functioning, increased intelligence and creativity, better behaviour, and a marked improvement in the trends of life in society as a whole – ultimately creating a state of national invincibility where no negativity or conflicts can arise within the nation nor penetrate it from outside,’’ Dr Hagelin said.

Dr Morris has already applied this Unified Field-based approach with great success at his own award-winning University – Maharishi University of Management – which was established 35 years ago in the USA and now has students from 60 countries.

‘‘The value of this Total Knowledge-based approach to education cannot be overestimated, because the unfoldment of infinite creativity through Total Knowledge is the basis to fulfil all desires and realise all possibilities in daily life,’’ Dr Morris said.

The goal of the Invincible Universities, Dr Lynch said, will be to promote the common good and raise every country to invincibility. ‘‘An invincible nation will be prosperous, healthy, and problem-free, with a nourishing peace-creating role in the family of nations.’’

John M. Knapp

Monday, October 29, 2007

Vedic City’s annexation plan approved by state

Ohio state has approved the annexation of 84 acres into Maharishi Vedic City, despite urgings against the move from local County officials. Yes, the article really talks about Fairfield, OH. Must be a typo?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

US Market Troubled, TM Claims To Make It Advance

The US stock market has been rocky for the past month, with an overall decline of nearly 1,000 points. Yet the Global Good News service of the Transcendental Meditation movement continues to take responsibility for the market's "success" -- saying it is due to the number of "Yogic Flyers" taking part in a special rounding course in Fairfield, Iowa. Meanwhile the US Fed is scrambling to stop a market meltdown.

If this is success, what would disaster look like?


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Maharishi Central University to Be Established in Macedonia

Maharishi Central University will house 2,500 "Yogic Flyers" (see article below), establish peace for Europe, house the Founders of Invincibility for 192 nations, and comes with a FREE set of Ginzu knives.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Something Good Is Happening...

For more expose about current life in Fairfield, Iowa, and other global Maharishiville sites, see the blog Maharishiville.

On another note, many remember Dennis Raimondi from his various historical positions with the Movement. Past is past for him. He now applies his creativity outside the TM Movement.
Check out Dennis' fascinating programmed interviews on Speaking Freely with Dennis, on radio kruu in Fairfield, Iowa.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

TM: Give Us Your Poor -- We'll Make You Rich!!?

Forgive my jaundiced view, but it sounds like the Maharishi and his Transcendental Meditation Movement are once more seeking to exploit followers under the guise of eliminating humanity's most desperate needs. Where he once was satisfied with exploiting middle-class youth within his TM movement, he's now seeking to exploit the poor of the world as free labor.
Directors of the Global Financial Capital of New York
to Present Science and Technology of the Unified Field to
Unlock National Creativity and Productivity to Eliminate Poverty
“It puts us to pain and shame that half of our
dear world family is living in dire poverty”
Tuesday, August 14 • 11:30 AM

Global Financial Capital of New York • 70 Broad Street
Directors of the Global Financial Capital of New York will present the science and technology of the Unified Field to unlock national creativity and productivity during the “Global Conference on Poverty Removal” to be held on Tuesday, August 14, at the Global Financial Capital of New York, 70 Broad Street.

Keynote speakers will include John Hagelin, world-renowned quantum physicist and executive director of the International Center for Invincible, and Dr. Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace.

“Removal of poverty is a project that is promoted by our deepest sentiment of life—that the nature of life is bliss; but our people in front of us are exposed to scarcity and suffering,” said Dr. Morris, who also serves as President of Maharishi University of Management in Iowa, USA.

“It puts us to pain and shame that half of our dear world family is living in dire poverty. Therefore we are, on our own level, and even from the level of existing wealth in the world, inspired to make efforts to eliminate poverty and raise the standard of living of poor families in our world. The path to be adopted is to give to the poor education and training about the nature of life, and not to give them ‘minimum wages’ but fairly good level of wages, so that they can live in proper homes, have proper clothing and healthy food, and sufficient means for the education of their children—at least corresponding to the middle income bracket.”

Dr. Morris said the Global Financial Capital of New York plans to employ the poor and give them the skills of starting organic agriculture in their own country. “There are more than 40 million hectares of unused, fertile, agricultural land in the world. This gift of God is available on Earth, and by making use of it we can eliminate poverty in our world,” Dr. Morris said.

Dr. Morris said that the Global Financial Capital of New York will offer the RAAM—the global development currency of the Global Country of World Peace—to governments, chambers of commerce, farmers’ associations, and other development agencies as a “catalytic currency,” which will circulate for a limited time to finance agricultural and other startups.

The RAAM has been approved as a second currency in the European Union and has begun to be used in Germany, the Netherlands and other countries, as well as in Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa. Also, major poverty removal projects organized by the Global Country of World Peace utilizing organic agriculture have begun in South America, Africa and Eastern Europe.

The conference will be webcast live at Members of the press are invited to attend in person.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Blogger Reports on Maharishi Vedic City Blues

Apparently, the Transcendental Meditation Movement's attempt to grab the planned hog farm through eminent domain is stymied for now.


Sunday, August 05, 2007

Yet Another Transcendental Meditation Scam

Hold on to your wallets....
Directors of the Global Financial Capital of New York will present the science and technology of the Unified Field to develop the total brain and optimize academic outcomes of every student during the “Global Conference on Unified Field-Based Education.”
The global conference will be held on Tuesday, July 31, 11:30 a.m., at the Global Financial Capital of New York, 70 Broad Street, which is one block from the New York Stock Exchange.
Keynote speakers will include Dr. John Hagelin, world-renowned quantum physicist, executive director of the International Center for Invincible Defense, and President of Maharishi Central University in Kansas, and Dr. Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace and President of Maharishi University of Management in Iowa.
“The modern system of education, like modern medicine, has been recognized to be inadequate because it does not create an enlightened individual and this is a loss to life everywhere,” Dr. Morris said. “Being in possession of this total knowledge of the Unified Field of Natural Law, we are inspired to open new fields in education through new universities, colleges and schools that will provide Total Knowledge of Natural Law to every student and develop full enlightenment in every growing generation in every country, so that the power of Total Knowledge will allow everyone to know everything, do everything and achieve anything that he would like.
“Fortunately, now we are in possession of the knowledge of Total Natural Law in the Unified Field, which has been discovered at the basis of physiology through modern scientific research,” Dr. Morris said. (For details of investment needed for new schools and hospitals to be created in 37 countries, see
Members of the press are invited to attend in person the global conference, or else to view the conference live on the Internet at

Transcendental Meditation's Global Financial Center's Latest Scam?

Of course, they only ask for donations in the pay-off line.

Thursday, August 2 • 11:30 AM
Global Financial Capital of New York • 70 Broad Street
Directors of the Global Financial Capital of New York will present the science and technology of the Unified Field to prevent disease, promote health, and reduce costs during the “Global Conference on Unified Field-Based Health.”
The global conference will be held on Thursday, August 2, 11:30 a.m. at the Global Financial Capital of New York, 70 Broad Street, which is one block from the New York Stock Exchange.
Keynote speakers will include Dr. John Hagelin, world-renowned quantum physicist and executive director of the International Center for Invincible Defense, and Dr. Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace.
“The prevailing system of health care in every country is completely inadequate to prevent disease, and even to cure disease. Modern medicine is famous for its poisonous side effects,” said Dr. Morris, who also serves as the President of Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa. “Therefore, it is vital that a new and healthy system of health care is promoted. For this it is vitally necessary that we undertake to establish high class medical colleges and production facilities for healthy medicines in every country.”
Dr. Morris emphasized the need for this new Unified Field-based approach to health, saying that the “high heap of hazards” of modern medicine is rising higher every day. “More than 19,000 review articles have been published in scientific journals summarizing the hazardous side-effects of modern medicines and medical practice.” Dr. Morris said.
Members of the press are invited to attend in person the global conference, or else to view the conference live on the Internet at
(For details of investment needed for new schools and hospitals to be created in 37 countries, see

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Guruphiliac's Suggestion for Our Readers

Jody, over at Guruphiliac, had a great suggestion he sent me. Readers may be interested in the exercise. Try the Google search he suggests:
Hey John.

Today I did a search for "global country for world peace" and was astonished at the amount of TM™ propaganda out there. I suspect it has been a concerted effort to get that much material up. They've done a great job. It's all a bit chilling, actually...

Nice job on your blog. It seems so happening when I go there, bustling with information.
