Showing posts with label Flim-Flam Gurus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flim-Flam Gurus. Show all posts

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Transcendental Meditation Has "Friendly" Competition in "Levitation"

A friend sent a heads up on YouTubes of "Swami" Nithyananda's followers levitating! Same "swami" got caught earlier this year having sex with followers—on video! Naturally, he recommends strict celibacy to his followers.
The similarities to the Maharishi are.... well, similar.
Guess he just can't get enough controversy. "Any publicity is good publicity as long as they spell your name right."
First the levitation videos, then a few words:

Levitation in the Presence of Nithyananda

Art of Levitation Unleashed by Nithyananda. Notice how closely they've copied Transcendental Meditation's style—right down to using slo-mo to suggest they really are "flying."
Transcendental Meditation Marketer$ tantalize you with seconds-long glimpses of levitation. Notice the cool use of slo-mo to suggest "flying."

A less slick, more to-the-point TM video. You gotta read the comments: "These people are definately oout [sic] of their minds! Flying?! Hahaha."
Shoko Asahara, Aum Shinrikyo group, who also released Sarin gas in Japanese subways. I betcha he saw some Transcendental Meditation marketing media, too!
Street magician David Blaine is more impressive than the lot of them!
Not much more to say, I guess. Images are worth a million words. Videos a zillion!
Innocent questions for Transcendental Meditation Marketer$:

  • If levitation is proof of spiritual attainment, how is it that other scandal-ridden or criminal "gurus" can teach their followers to fly and get identical results? 

  • How can we tell the difference between "good" levitation and "bad" levitation?

  • Think these other guys have "EEG Coherence," too? 

  • Lucy, you got some splainin' to do.... ?!
Keep the faith!

P.S. If you find videos on Transcendental Meditation or similar groups you'd like to share, please email me at:
Crossposted on TM-Free Blog and Facebook