A few years ago, a young film maker met his creative idol, David Lynch.
The young filmmaker wished to absorb all that he could learn from his creative guru.
Naturally, the young filmmaker was encouraged to learn Transcendental Meditation. When the young man, David Sieveking, began questioning the TM-Siddhi program, he was suddenly denied access to further TM information and no longer had access to David Lynch. Sieveking thought, "There's a story here!"
The documentary about Sieveking's global journey to learn about the TM Movement opens this month at the prestigious Berlinale - the Berlin Film Festival.
For our central European TMFree readers, the show schedule is :
12 February, 2010 CineStar 7 17:00 Premiere
13 February, 2010 Cubix 7 17:30
14 February, 2010 Colosseum 1 15:30
The online festival press release for "David Wants to Fly" can be read here (scroll down a tad).
We are not able to get away to attend the film opening. If any of our readers attend the show, feel free to write a review for us to post. A European film distributor will be distributing the film. We will inform you when a DVD is available.