Thursday, February 18, 2010

"David Wants to Fly" update from Berlin Film Festival - Transcendental Meditation expose'

"David Wants to Fly" is receiving rave reviews at the Berlin Film Festival, per German links, below.

Please vote on the audience ranking awards (5 is the highest vote on their scale).

Invitations and negotiations are in place for showing the film at North American film venues, and possibly a Broadway version.

Of course, feel free to offer feedback to any reviews.
The Variety review is in English.

We can expect negative feedback and comments coming from True Believer devotees.
Imagine that!

The story behind the story:
A few years ago, a young film maker met his creative idol, David Lynch.
The young filmmaker wished to absorb all that he could learn from his creative guru.

Naturally, the young filmmaker was encouraged to learn Transcendental Meditation. When the young man, David Sieveking, began questioning the TM-Siddhi program, he was suddenly denied access to further TM information and no longer had access to David Lynch. Sieveking thought, "There's a story here!"...

Please help us with the internet voting for the audience award.

Audience Award Berlinale
Directions: click onto "David Wants to Fly", then click onto "5 punkte" (points), then click "absenden" (send)

Berlinale Blog

Variety on "David Wants to Fly"

Deutschlandradio Kultur on "David Wants to Fly" on "David Wants to Fly"

20Fmediathek on "David Wants to Fly"

Kurz & Kritisch on "David Wants to Fly"

Berliner Morgenpost on "David Wants to Fly"

David Lynchs Suche nach innerem Glück

Synopsis from Berlinale Public Program "David Wants to Fly"

Lichtblick Media summary "David Wants to Fly"

Feel free to make comments on the various reviews!