Wednesday, May 05, 2010

"David Wants to Fly" English Trailer and Toronto reviews

Review of "David Wants to Fly" at prestigious Toronto documentary film festival "Hot Docs" Running on Faith: DAVID WANTS TO FLY playing at Hot Docs

For the English speakers amongst us, here's the long awaited English language trailer to "David Wants to Fly"

For facebook users, keep yourself updated with the fanpage for "David Wants to Fly"

No word yet on the USA tour of this film. The film is touring Europe.


Karina said...

I loved this review of the David Can Fly movie I found posted online after it opened.  It innocently says it all...

Shannon the Movie Moxie said... I caught this one last night at the Bloor and I couldn't believe how funny it was, not poking fun or anything just showing the lunacy of it all at time.

Sudarsha said...

i, Shannon - I saw the film the following day at the Cumberland 3. The theatre was packed, which is interesting in itself as it was shown at 1545 which seems early for working folk. It was received very well. Yes, so funny in places, so gut wrenching (for me) at the beginning when we see TM propaganda for all it's worth.

Then, of course, we see David being a very careful observer, watching, assessing his own experience and wondering about the "claims" made by the organization.

The film, and this my just be my own assessment as one who was deeply involved back in the 70's, anyway, for me, the film was an intelligent observer's journey through the dissembling and conniving that is what Mahesh turned his organization into.

David has made a fantastic film, brilliantly edited.

A friend of a friend, a Lynch fan with no knowledge of TM was there and said the film was awsome and that Lynch is naive. Well, Mahesh was always awsome himself in being able to keep people cocooned in their the naive state that he managed to make look like their idea.

Many thanks to Gina who provided David with fantastic amounts of data and much insight into Fairfield, to John who appears in the film and, as we know, is one of our early whistle blowers who merits sainthood in the annals of cult-busting.

While I'd very much like to write a review of this film, I'd also like to be able to write well enough to do even the tiniest bit of justice to this remarkable, entertaining, informative and just all around great film. It is opening today in 30 theatres, mostly in Germany and Switzerland.

As soon as I am able to find out how the DVD can be obtained or when the film will open in the US, I'll let everyone know.

Best wishes to David and to all of you who have been bamboozled by the Weasel Mahesh and his hoard of miscreants.

Sudarsha said...

i, Shannon - I saw the film the following day at the Cumberland 3. The theatre was packed, which is interesting in itself as it was shown at 1545 which seems early for working folk. It was received very well. Yes, so funny in places, so gut wrenching (for me) at the beginning when we see TM propaganda for all it's worth.

Then, of course, we see David being a very careful observer, watching, assessing his own experience and wondering about the "claims" made by the organization.

The film, and this my just be my own assessment as one who was deeply involved back in the 70's, anyway, for me, the film was an intelligent observer's journey through the dissembling and conniving that is what Mahesh turned his organization into.

David has made a fantastic film, brilliantly edited.

A friend of a friend, a Lynch fan with no knowledge of TM was there and said the film was awsome and that Lynch is naive. Well, Mahesh was always awsome himself in being able to keep people cocooned in their the naive state that he managed to make look like their idea.

Many thanks to Gina who provided David with fantastic amounts of data and much insight into Fairfield, to John who appears in the film and, as we know, is one of our early whistle blowers who merits sainthood in the annals of cult-busting.

While I'd very much like to write a review of this film, I'd also like to be able to write well enough to do even the tiniest bit of justice to this remarkable, entertaining, informative and just all around great film. It is opening today in 30 theatres, mostly in Germany and Switzerland.

As soon as I am able to find out how the DVD can be obtained or when the film will open in the US, I'll let everyone know.

Best wishes to David and to all of you who have been bamboozled by the Weasel Mahesh and his hoard of miscreants.

Sudarsha said...

i, Shannon - I saw the film the following day at the Cumberland 3. The theatre was packed, which is interesting in itself as it was shown at 1545 which seems early for working folk. It was received very well. Yes, so funny in places, so gut wrenching (for me) at the beginning when we see TM propaganda for all it's worth.

Then, of course, we see David being a very careful observer, watching, assessing his own experience and wondering about the "claims" made by the organization.

The film, and this my just be my own assessment as one who was deeply involved back in the 70's, anyway, for me, the film was an intelligent observer's journey through the dissembling and conniving that is what Mahesh turned his organization into.

David has made a fantastic film, brilliantly edited.

A friend of a friend, a Lynch fan with no knowledge of TM was there and said the film was awsome and that Lynch is naive. Well, Mahesh was always awsome himself in being able to keep people cocooned in their the naive state that he managed to make look like their idea.

Many thanks to Gina who provided David with fantastic amounts of data and much insight into Fairfield, to John who appears in the film and, as we know, is one of our early whistle blowers who merits sainthood in the annals of cult-busting.

While I'd very much like to write a review of this film, I'd also like to be able to write well enough to do even the tiniest bit of justice to this remarkable, entertaining, informative and just all around great film. It is opening today in 30 theatres, mostly in Germany and Switzerland.

As soon as I am able to find out how the DVD can be obtained or when the film will open in the US, I'll let everyone know.

Best wishes to David and to all of you who have been bamboozled by the Weasel Mahesh and his hoard of miscreants.

Bjarne said..." type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="170" height="140

Gina said...

Lynch interview in France. Essentially giving a TM intro lecture on French TV, in English:

Poor guy.
g :)

Betty said...

<p>Bjarne, thanks for reminding me again that Leonard Cohen still exits! The song says it all. Everybody knows and knew that we were deceived and that we are deceiving ourselves. Everybody knows that to say anything is to lie. For some the beauty of the experiences in meditation or the experience of being part of something that seemed for a while to be going somewhere worth going, was or is all that mattered or matters. We can never be sure what is real and true. My friend Chuck once said that "In space the galaxies breed like lyin Chinamen." Certainly he shouldn't talk like that but he has a point.</p>

Sudarsha said...

I found an excerpt from Dr. Persinger's TM and Cult Mania which I think is valuable both because Dr. Persinger appears in David's film and because it's something that is almost entirely absent from Maheshism, COMMON SENSE.

This is the quote:

Frankly, the reported effects of TM upon human behaviour are trivial. Considering the alleged potency of the TM procedure, the changes in physilogical and behavioural measures are conspicuously minute. It is only within the context of certain testing procedures that small changes become exaggerated out of proportion. People are overcome frequently by numbers and no doubt the systematic analyses of data can be boring. However, the TM  movement has played heavily upon this format. Like a madman who goes about measuring everything in his path in order to prove that objects have length, avid TMers have used the scientific method.

I have added the emphasis.

While there is no denying that Mahesh popularized meditation and also there is no denying that there are some benefits to standard TM 2x20, Mahesh turned a simple practise of what appears to be power-resting into the cult of Maheshism. This cult has been very successful at taking your money. Beyond that, as David's film aptly demonstrates, Organized Maheshism is largely incapable of doing much beyond the pretentious wafting about of imaginary rajas proclaming their own magnificence and claiming what they will do.

As any successful person is going to demand: do not tell me what you are going to do. SHOW ME what you have done.

At which point, the wafting rajas must remain silent.

Sudarsha said...

It occurs to me, Gina, that David Lynch is the most recent in a long line of dancing bears, as a friend of mine once observed. Mahesh had the uncanny ability to con "famous" or "interesting" people into selling TM for him. Then, when he tired of them or found someone more famous or more interesting, the old bears were gone. But, in Mahesh's defence, he treated everyone like oranges: he sucked us dry and pitched out the peels.

Remember David Orme-Johnson, then there was Hagelin, now there's Lynch, and let's not forget the magician who irritably keep saying whoo or something like that. And the list goes on. Anyone remember any former performers from the Mahesh circus acts? It occurs to me that selling TM is by far the most important and perhaps ONLY thing that Organized Maheshism is about. Mahesh uses to sell TM on the basis of "more and more" and now his organization is all about gathering in more and more.

Gina, I remember a really great sound bite from when I first met you: It's all about the money, honey!

A perfect summation.

In the psychodrama of Maheshism, money is proof and you can never have too much money or too much proof. How very sad (and revealing) that Mahesh should claim one of the great spiritual masters of India as his teacher and then so blatantly and dismissively go in the direction that even run of the mill spiritual teachers easily warn us against.

Organized Maheshism, OMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

What a joke on himself the giggling doophus has become.

Laurie said...

Sudarsha, I thought of a few other famous people who Maharishi used to publiciz TM:  The Beatles, of course.  Merv Griffith, who had a TV talk show; and he invited on MMY and "famous" TMers, like the the actress who played the grandmother on the TV show "The Waltons."  Doug Henning was the name of the magician you were looking for.  Deepak Chopra.  Four-Star U.S. General Somebody-or-other.  U.S. astronaut Rusty Schweikert (who appeared at my California course around 1972. 

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